Reply To: Speak the language


…with poor, put upon, ‘oh, my senses or so offended’ white folks feeling put off because a group of people choose not to confirm to the wishes and standards of white folks (insert rolling eyes here). WHY is it your business what language any group of people chooses to speak??? Damn, lady, you CHOSE to YOUR nails done in THEIR establishment! If Chinese people speaking in their native language made you that uncomfortable, you should have LEFT! Perhaps found a salon run by english speaking Americans, since Chinese people speaking Chinese seems to have unsettled you so. You white folks really, seriously need to get over yourselves and understand that it is NOT up to any foreigner to make YOU confortable by bending to your will; rather, it is up to YOU to understand that they are simply human beings just like you, except they are of a different ethnicity, and speak a different language. Funny, I don’t have any problem at all with the nice Korean ladies who give me manicures and pedicures…then again, I’m not such a pompous ass as to think that they should stop speaking in their own, LEGITIMATE language just because I walk into their shop. Chinese folks are not going to stop speaking their language because it bothers you (you apparently have as superior complex or an inferiority complex), so relax, get your nails and tootsies done, and hush up. You might learn a few words and phrases.

User Detail :  

Name : Rhonda-P-Outlaw19813, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 44, City : Laurelton, State : NY, Country : United States, Occupation : Account Representative, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,