Racism works all ways, no matter what race. I have many white friends, many black friends, and many hispanic friends. Personally, I think racism is senseless, I hate to hear anyone be the victim of racism. Racism is just ignorance. Some people are racist because they are afraid to ask about someone’s culture. I don’t understand why some people hate a race simply because they talk different than them. We are all the same, yet at the same time, we are all different. I am 15 years old, white, and from central Florida. I see racism daily, at school, at home, and around town. I am effected by racism, I’ve been called ‘white bread, white boy, cracker, etc, etc’ But I never use durogatory terms towards one certain race. We are all here together, why not get along and make things easier? I like to get to know everyone’s culture. I am not sure what religion I am because I can’t conform to a religion’s ‘rules’ unless I believe in them. I have my own beliefs, and my own opinions, and I would like to represent myself, rather than using an orginization of people to speak for me. The only reason why people are stereotypical towards someone or something, is because people are different. People are different, and unless you are used to something, you will always have questions about it, and you will always make presumptions about it. Ask, listen, and tell. That’s the only way to alleviate it.