Reply To: Racial divide at first job



Honey, As harsh as it may be, it may not be the color of your skin, but the gender of your body. Depending on the industry and your specific industry knoweldge you may be treated this way beacuase of your gender. In manufacturing, construction and supply chain/distribution there still is a significant guy’s club mentality. I suspect that avionics and other engineering heavy professions have similar issues. In my current engagement an asian female of unknown religion and orientation and a caucasian male of similar ambiquity are working with me. the female has significant industry expertise although she is junior to and has less academic experience than the male, she is my go to resource. The male while senior to and ‘better’ trained has no industry experience. I have him dealing with the administrative/secritarial aspects of the engagement, while the more junior female is working directly with the client and operating in a lead role. I can imagine that in the reverse the female could feel discriminated against. – Take a risk, ask your manager about it tactfully.

User Detail :  

Name : Robert, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : no body's business, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Mere Christian, Age : 42, City : Johnston, State : OH, Country : United States, Occupation : Consultant, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class,