Hello there, i’m a recent college graduate with neither a degree in psychology nor any credentials to speak with any real intelligence on this matter but i do have crooked teeth and severe depression that i know is linked to an obsessive compulsive disorder i have with my teeth. i did have braces in middle school and then retainers that i wore sporadically neglecting the instructions of my orthodontist. the fact that i actually had a chance to fix the problem when i was younger and that all this is entirely my fault exacerbates my psychoses by throwing a guilt complex into the mix. like you had said about yourself, i’m constantly thinking about words as they come out of my mouth and therefore stumbling over myself or just plain inhibiting my thought and creativity. i’m always conscious of which way light is shining on my face and i’m constantly positioning my body to find the most omni-directional lighting. all these actions make me feel like an extremely vain, pathetic and terrible human being. i’m always trying to rationalize away these insecurities by telling myself that this is something that i just need to get over and i write daily affirmations on my hands so that whenever i look in a mirror i can quickly stare down at my hand and remind myself that my physical appearance is not the end of the world. forget about ever pursuing any sort of intimate relationship with anyone. i feel guilty subjecting even friends i’ve had for 10 years to the sight of my teeth. as i said, i’m just out of college so i’m not exactly in a position to spent 4500 on orthodontics. at the same time, i’m also unemployed and have a hard time concentrating on job searches because my mind has convinced itself that i can only go so far in life due to my hideousness. this used to be something i was able to cope with but i’m worried that i’m doing irreparable harm to my creative processes and cognitive abilities because i think about my teeth all the time and i can’t give my full undivided attention to anything anymore! this has all started a chain reaction in which my sense of humor and my passion for creative writing has completely vanished because i feel so detached from the rest of society. i feel like i’ve ruined my life. i’ve never told anyone any of this because i’m worried i’m insane. my parents wonder why i’ve gone from 6th in my class in high school to a complete and utter failure. i can’t bring myself to tell them that the reason is something as petty as my teeth.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
- This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by